Good Monday Evening Readers!
It’s been a cool and breezy day and rainy. Even though we are complaining the area wildflowers and gardens are loving it. I’ve never seen so many different kinds of flowers along the road or in my flowerbed. It seems everyone including me went on a planting spree last fall and every day is a big surprise….. It sure makes life interesting!
The next Potluck Dinner/meeting will be held this Thursday, June 9 at 5pm. So, bake up a tasty treat and join your friends and neighbors for an evening of great dinner companions and good food….
The 2016 Clam Lake Community Club’s Fireworks Celebration will be held on Sunday, July 3rd at dusk. With the new addition of a bigger and better shooting system these should prove to be a spectacular display. So, spread the word and drop your change in the donation cans so, we can keep it up!
There will be no 2016 August Fest due to the lack of able bodies (volunteers) that it takes to make an event like this a big success. If you have any ideas and would like to brainstorm for another year, attend a potluck and bring it up for discussion….
Enjoy the roadside tapestry…Until next time…be kind!