Hello Clam Lake!
Has spring decided to come to stay? It was looking iffy at the beginning of the week as we were threatened with ice and a possible big snowfall. Thankfully, the ice that did arrive didn’t hang around long and the massive snowfall was a no show. By the end of the week we were enjoying sunny skies with temps in the mid-40’s. Bring it, I say! (Remember, less than a month away is the fishing opener!)
REMINDERS: SPRING FLING POT LUCK: A group of Clam Lakers will be hosting a Spring Fling Pot Luck at the Clam Lake Community Club Saturday April 9th beginning at 2:00 pm. Attendees are asked to bring a dish to share and their beverage of choice. Games will be provided and if you have a favorite game feel free to bring it along. Will be a chance for Clam Lakers new and old to get together for some visiting and fun. See you there!
CLAM LAKE COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING: On Thursday April 14th the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting beginning at 5:00 pm. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo with Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw at the helm. Time to try your luck to see if you will be crowned as “Bingo Champ” by winning the coveted Fill Your Card prize. Fun times!
ELK CHATS: I had an opportunity to stop and chat with some elk that had decided to perch themselves on the edge of Highway 77 going into Hayward one day last week. Upon stopping and rolling down my window I reminded them that hanging around the highway was possibly not a good thing to be doing. In typical elk fashion they thanked me for the reminder and slowly meandered a bit into the woods continuing to munch on whatever tasty roadside tidbits they could find.
SYMPATHIES: Sympathy wishes go out to Bonnie Booth of Clam Lake on the loss of her brother Jim McDonald of Elmhurst. Jim worked as a pharmacist in Elmhurst for many years and was deeply involved in nature conservation and was an avid birder. Jim was also a devoted family man whom will be missed by many. Jim was 57.
ON THAT NOTE: We bid farewell to cow #150 whom passed away at the Booth home this past weekend. She arrived at Bonnie’s in need of help which Bonnie provided by calling the DNR. Bonnie was allowed to say good-bye to her before she was euthanized for which Bonnie was grateful. This is not the first time the DNR have been called to the Booth residence to aid an elk in distress. Six years ago cow #150’s calf fell into a well near the home which the DNR came and rescued. Cow #150 was 18 years old. (As a side note: Elk Biologist, Josh Spiegel, his assistant Sarah Looman and veterinarian Dr. Ed Metcalf attended Cow #150.)
HISTORY MOMENT: Taken from an April edition of the Glidden Enterprise of 1940: “Glidden and Clam Lake Favorably Advertised – Both the Glidden and Clam Lake communities are getting some very favorable publicity at the Wisconsin Outdoor Show being held at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago this week. This section is represented in that big advertising effort by the Upper 13 association, and M.F. Boudoin of Clam Lake is giving the matter his personal attention in the booth maintained by the organization. The State of Wisconsin co-operates with the show by putting on a large display in connection with its big tourist and recreation advertising campaign. This year’s advertising efforts should result in better returns than in other years. Central west people are going to do their vacationing near home, because of the war and the World Fairs have worn out their attention.” (As a side note: In 1937 businessmen in the Eau Claire area and resort owners in Northwestern Wisconsin, an area decimated by logging, collaborated as a group with the hope of promoting tourism to the area and boost the local economy. This group of men and resort owners created the organization Wisconsin Indian Head Country Inc. and to incorporate the area as “authentic” they created and used an Indian head image. The image continues to be used over much of the Northwest part of Wisconsin. The face of the Indian head is created by the St. Croix River, the forehead is made up of the Minnesota and Wisconsin border and the headdress is the Apostle Islands. The organization started with 137 members and has grown to over 700.)
Until next week….
Pictured is Cow #150 at the Booth home. RIP