Hello Clam Lake!
The weather this past week was pretty much all over the place. Again. We played host to yet another storm that brought us over an inch of rain in a very short amount of time. Thankfully, we didn’t have the high winds that were predicted so there weren’t many trees down. Not that the week didn’t have its windy days – it did. And we dipped down into the 40’s one night with temps in the mid to high 80’s by the end of the week. Oh well…..and so it goes in Northern Wisconsin. We are accustomed to “anything goes”.
ST. GEORGE CHAPEL – Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 6:00 pm at St. George, our historic “Chapel in the Pines”. Only two masses remain before the Chapel shuts its doors for another summer season. So, come and experience a return to a simpler era in our rustic log cabin chapel while there’s still time. The Chapel features hand hewn log pews made by Leonard Menke who operated a sawmill in Clam Lake which he took over from his father Felix Menke. It is simple, beautiful and peaceful. All are welcome! Come pray with us!
DAY LAKE CAMPGROUND UPDATE – I had a chance to stop and see Lynn Plendl and her trusty side kick Bree, whom is a 16 year old Jack Russell terrier. With summer nearing its end I thought I’d check in and see how the season has gone. Lynn said it’s been great! Especially since the mosquitoes have died down. We all agree on that one! Lynn has enjoyed her time here so much she has agreed to come back next year which we are very grateful for. In the past, the campground hosts have left after Labor Day but, Lynn, knowing Fall is so beautiful in the forest, has decided to stay until they shut the gates for the season. She said with the bugs having died down she is noticing more and more campers heading our way. Good news! We appreciate her service to our forest and community and will welcome her back next year! Thank you!
COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE – This week saw a flurry of activity around the building site as our new Community Center begins to take shape. Early in the week wires and outlets were being run for the electric. That same day saw the delivery of our new windows which were installed mid-week. Mike Dunlavy’s crew were also on hand digging trenches for the gas and power lines to connect to the building. Since we have decided on a cathedral ceiling one gets a real sense of light and space when walking in. We are grateful to all those that have been working so hard to bring this “build it back better” into reality. Stop and take a look when out and about!
Until next week…..
Pictured are scenes from the work being done at the Community Center this past week both interior and exterior. (Outside is pictured Mike Dunlavy and crew – interior Jake Guziak.)