Hello Clam Lake!
The weather this past week has been just about perfect! Nice sunny days with light breezes and temps in the 70’s. Good for sleeping and just about everything in between. Le’s hope it continues!
ST. GEORGE”S CHAPEL: A reminder that Mass is celebrated every Satuday at 6:00 pm in our historic “Chapel in the Woods”. We are following guidelines set down by the CDC, Bishop Powers and Governor Evers regarding social distancing and the wearing of face masks. We hope to make St. George’s a safe and pleasant place to worship in these challenging times. If you hear the old bell in the log belfry ringing you know it’s time to “come pray with us!” Our motto? “No Vacation from God’s Service!”
BABY LOONS: I had a chance to catch up with Jack McGregor on the status of their baby loons. Jack took it upon himself, 15 years ago, to make an artificial nest for the loons. This was set safely away from the shore and predators. For many years they had a pair of loons to whom Jack referred to as the “old couple” that would use the nest and were able to successfully hatch out many sets of young. Now, a new couple have taken up residence. Being unsure of the artificial nest they made a natural home on the shore which, sadly, suffered from predation. After that, they decided to give the artificial nest a try so Jack was happy to report that they have had a successful hatch. Thanks go out to him and Carol for providing a safe place for these wonderful water fowl to raise their young.
HISTORY MOMENT: On August 3rd of 1915 Howard Scotford, whom would be busy with Camp Fire Island’s hectic summer season, reports that a guest named Siebold’s trunk has finally arrived after being left behind. Also an ad is featured for “The Brilliant Searchlight” It reads:” Do you know the Brilliant Searchlight worn on the head puts the light where you look, when frogging, hunting, fishing, driving or any kind of night work? Flame is protected by a 3 and ½ inch convex lens. May be lifted up or down and burns eight hours with one filling.” This device, complete with Singie Lens, Candle Flame and Flat Flame Burner would cost a camper $8. These headlamps ran on acetylene and sound a bit dangerous to say the least.Ahhh….the good ole’ days…
MEET THE HOST: I was able to meet with Darrell Fox whom is the 2020 Campground host at Day Lake. Darrell hails from my hometown of Chippewa Falls. He and his sidekick George,a one year old black lab adopted from an animal shelter in Kansas, arrived at the Day Lake Campground around mid-June and will stay thru Labor Day. As host, his duties include greeting people and answering questions regarding the campground and the area and to make sure the sites are mowed and kept clean. To keep everyone safe during Covid-19 this includes daily sanitation of the restrooms and other facilities. Darrell has spent the last year as a full time RV-er traveling to various camggrounds to act as host. This winter found him in New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas. When Covid-19 hit, the campgrounds in both New Mexico and Colorado closed, so he headed to Kansas where he found George. He said he loves hosting and being able to visit different areas and enjoying the natural beauty that they have to offer. We thank him and George for their part in making Day Lake Campground a safe and enjoyable place to visit.
Until next week….Remember to “Summer Safely!”
Pictured is Darrell Fox and his sidekick George.