Hello Clam Lake!
Merry Christmas to one and all! I hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with all the joys of the season!
WHAT A DIFFERNCE A YEAR MAKES – Last year at this time we were digging out from what was to become known as one of the worst storms of the year. According to our resident weather man, Jack McGregor, that storm started on December 14th and lasted through the 15th bringing with it 15 inches of heavy wet snow. Since this storm was accompanied by high winds the result was most Clam Lakers being without power for 36 hours. It also brought down many trees which caused a lot of extra work for those plowing . After that storm, we had an accumulated total of 30 inches of snowfall. And, as we all know, that was only the beginning of the winter of ’22/’23. It would go down on record as being a historic one for us regarding snow totals. This year, in contrast, we have had an accumulated total of 11 inches of snow since our first snowfall. And, due to the various melts have seen much of that disappear with the probable forecast of a “brown Christmas” looming I, for one, am glad that storm and the others that followed it are in the rear view mirror.
ELK ON THE SHELF – In store elk hunting is once again being held as the Clam Lake Junction holds their popular “Elk on a Shelf” game. Every day a small holiday themed elk is hidden in the public spaces of the Junction. (No need to look in the freezers, coolers or bathrooms as he won’t be there.) If you are lucky enough to find him your name will be entered into a drawing for a $200 Clam Lake Junction gift card. Good luck to all those “hunters” out there!
COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE – It won’t be long now! The new Clam Lake Community Center is nearing completion with the flooring having been laid and the cabinets in the process of being installed. Then it’s onward and upward to the finishing touches. Stop by and have a look if you are traveling about. Looks great!
UGLY SWEATER PARTY RECAP – Holiday fun was definitely on display at Ransoms this past weekend as they held their annual Ugly Sweater Party. Zac and crew had the place looking very festive with lights and decorations aplenty. Much to the delight of the children, St. Nick took time off from his busy schedule to visit our village. He spent time visiting with the girls and boys and handed out goodies. We thank him for making the evening a special one for them. Then it was onto the Ugly Sweater Party and gift exchange game. Several unique sweaters were on display with the winners being Sandy taking first place, Tom Biasi garnering 2nd and Mike from Mellen landing 3rd place. Pam reported that the gift exchange had a great turnout with the Red Ridere BB gun being the hottest gift of the night! (Hopefully, no one shot their eye out!) Looks like a good time was had by all as they rang in the joys of the holiday season! (Special thanks go out to Dan and Pam Hudson for arranging Santa’s visit.)
Until next week….
Pictured are scenes from Ransoms Ugly Sweater Party.