Hello Clam Lake!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all! I hope it is a joyful holiday for everyone.
Looks like we will be having a White Christmas after all. Was looking a bit “iffy” for a while. One can definitely say there isn’t much snow out there and with temps going above freezing off and on it doesn’t help matters. I’m sure all the winter sports enthusiasts are getting anxious. Been a good year for ice skating anyway!
ELK SIGHTINGS: There have been several reports of people seeing elk on or near the roads. Time to be on the look out for them. As we know, if they are on the roadway one has to just sit and wait until they are ready to move along. “Hurry” is not in their vocabulary. On the upside, everyone is enjoying seeing them again.
BENTLEYVILLE – It’s official! Bentley, Connie Shloer’s temporary canine helper at the Post Office, has decided to come on part time and will be accompanying Connie to Clam Lake most days. Bentley is a St. Bernard toddler whom the people of Clam Lake have come to know and love. We look forward to watching him grow up as he learns the Postal Service ropes. Make sure to stop in and say, “Hi!”
REMINDER: Free covid-19 testing is available every Wednesday from nine to one at the Winter Fire Hall. If you are experiencing symptoms or have been exposed please get tested to protect both yourself and your neighbors. Thank you!
OF MICE AND (WO)MEN – AT THE ENTERPRISE LAST WEEK: Twas the hour before press time when all through the house the one creature that was stirring was definitely a mouse. Barb and Laurie at their computers and I in the back, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a small furry head peeking back. With a wink of his eye and a nod of his head he soon gave me to know there was plenty to dread. Out in the newsroom there arose such a clatter making me wonder what could possibly be the matter. When what to my wondering eyes should appear but Barb screaming, “MOUSE!!!” as she ran with fear. Out the door she flew in a flash with the mouse deciding it’s time to dash! Up to the housetop he climbed step by step, finding a hiding spot he secretly kept. But, I heard him exclaim as he disappeared from sight, “Happy press day to all and to all a GOOD NIGHT!”
HISTORY MOMENT: In November of 1984 (36 years ago) the Clam Lake Community Club was notified that the Wisconsin Capitol Christmas Tree would be coming from Highway 164, 10 miles from Clam Lake. It stated that they would like a representation from the community to be present. Following the installation of the tree a photo and letter were sent to then Clam Lake Community Club president, Bill MacLeod. It said, “Dear Bill, We wish to present this accompanying photograph of the 1984 Wisconsin Capitol Christmas Tree to the Clam Lake Community Club. The officers and members of the Clam Lake community added much to both the cutting and lighting ceremonies. We wish to thank all involved.” Sent by William Judd – Acting District Ranger.
Until next week….
Pictured is the Wisconsin Capitol Christmas Tree of 1984. Happy Holidays!!!!