Hello Clam Lake!
This past week ole’ Mother Nature decided to give up a reprieve with temps rising above freezing with no new snow accumulation. Many people took advantage of this time to shovel roofs or get other outdoor projects done. Isn’t often we see New Year’s Eves on the warmer side. Normally, this is a below zero holiday. We’ll take it! The snowmobilers were also out in force making our village a lively place once again. We welcome them!
ELK SPEEDOMETERS? (CAUTION: TRY NOT TO LAUGH): As all of us living in the deep, deep woods know, when people come to our forest world many are entering an environment that is unfamiliar. Some have a pretty good idea of life here and the animals that are part of our everyday, others not so much. While I was visiting with some fellow Clam Lakers over the holiday week I was reminded of this fact. They shared a question asked by some guests that had come to spend a few days who were totally unfamiliar with our world. After having noticed the 45 mile per hour caution signs regarding the elk that are placed in various spots on Highway 77 the guest turned earnestly to his host and asked, “By the way, just how do the elk know if they are going 45?” Hmmmm…..so began the explanation. Gotta love it!
CONGRATULATIONS: Congrats go out to Sue Johnson for being the lucky winner of the $200 gift certificate from the Clam Lake Junction’s “Elk on the Shelf” contest. Thanks go out to all that participated. Was fun!
ELK COUNTRY ATV CLUB ICE FISHING CONTEST: For the 15th year in a row the Elk Country ATV Club will be hosting their popular Ice Fishing Contest on Upper Clam Lake. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, January 21st. The contest will begin at 8:00 am and end at 3:00 pm. This is the Club’s biggest fundraiser of the year featuring raffles for various prizes including a fish locator and, of course, the “grand daddy” of all prizes – a brand new side by side ATV! Along with these great prizes the Club will also feature door prizes throughout the day. And, if that weren’t enough, food and drink will be also be made available in the food tent. This Club has been very generous with it’s charitable donations towards the Glidden Ambulance Service over the past few years, so please keep in mind by supporting them you are also allowing them to continue to pay it forward. It promises to be a day of great fishing fun! Hope to see you there!
MEAT RAFFLES: Another of our hard working Clam Lake Clubs, the Clam Lake Forest Riders, will be holding two meat raffles this month. The first will be held on Saturday, January 14th at running from 3:00 to 5:00. The second will be in conjunction with the Ice Fishing Contest on Saturday, January 21st – again running from 3:00 to 5:00 with both being held at Ransoms Place. With the ice fishing contest ending at 3:00 this is perfect timing for a full and fun day spent in Clam Lake! Remember all meats come from Rondeaus in Cable. The Forest Riders have been very busy lately going out to help clear trails after our recent weather events so our village can reap the benefits of a successful snowmobile season. We thank them and hope you give them your support.
Until next week….
Pictured is driving down Clam Lake Road into Clam Lake over the holiday week showing the fruits of the Snowmobile Club’s and groomers labors. The season has begun! (Photo courtesy of Rich Reukema)