Hello Clam Lake!
WEATHER UPDATE: I spoke with our local weatherman, Jack McGregor, about snow totals for this year. He reported that we have already received 64.7 inches of snow in comparison with last year’s total of 62.8 inches. So, even though it doesn’t seem like it, we are ahead of the game. Various melts (remember 50 degrees and thunder storms in December?) have caused us to lose accumulated snow depth with us averaging about 14 inches on the ground at present – depending on location. (Jack’s up to the minute Clam Lake weather reports are available at www.wunderground.com or www.lakefiveweatherstation.com. Just type in location Clam Lake and there you are!)
MEETING REMINDER: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Thursday February 10th beginning at 5:00 pm. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake style Bingo. Hope to see you there! (As always, this is subject to change depending on covid status.)
ON THAT NOTE – The Clam Lake Community Club’s annual letter has gone out. Once again, we wish to thank all those that continue to support Clam’s only civic organization. If you haven’t already sent in your dues, please do. You can send them to: Clam Lake Community Club, Box 6, Clam Lake WI 54517. If you aren’t already a member we encourage you to become one. Membership is open to all! Welcome!
MEAT RAFFLE: The Clam Lake Forest Riders Snowmobile Club will be hosting a meat raffle at Ransoms Place on Saturday, February 19th from 3:00 to 5:00. All meat is provided by Rondeaus of Cable. Time to come out and support this hard working club and win some delicious meat in the bargain.
REQUIEM FOR A WARBLER: It is with sadness that I report that Myrtle, our wayward warbler, is no longer with us. This little bird didn’t get the memo to go south this past fall and tried, with the help of our local birder Jan Sharp, to survive our harsh Wisconsin winter. She put up a valiant fight surviving through several bouts of sub zero temps and our 17 inch snowfall. Jan did all she could to help this little fighter survive – putting out high protein food for her and availing her of cozy “nests”. But, Mother Nature won out. Sometime during the night of January 18th, Myrtle crossed over the rainbow bridge and is hopefully now enjoying a land of sunshine and warmth with plenty of insects to feast upon. Rest in peace little one. Now, Jan has turned her attention to caring for a pair of cardinals that have taken up residence.
CARNIVORE BREEDING SEASON: I had a chance to speak with wildlife biologist, Josh Spiegel, this past week to see what’s new in our northern Wisconsin animal kingdom. He reported that beginning in late January the northern Wisconsin carnivore breeding season kicks off with it peaking in February. Mainly this group is comprised of wolves, coyotes, fox and bobcats. Following their respective gestation periods this season will ensure a forest full of new life come spring. Good news!
COWS ON THE MOVE: I also had an opportunity to visit with some cows that were enroute from Hurley to the Hayward area. They were stationed in a trailer outside the Clam Lake Junction while their driver got gas. This group was made up of two heifers and one bull. They agreed with their driver that the day they picked to travel from the Hurley area was not the best with lots of snow going on. They seemed glad for the rest stop in Clam and are looking forward to new adventures in their new home near Hayward.
Until next week….
Pictured is a Snapshot photo featuring a group of coyotes traveling through a winter landscape. Josh explained that they are exhibiting typical pack behavior as each coyote looks in different directions to assess the area. (Photo courtesy of Chris Frasch.)