Hello Clam Lake!
Some more rumbles of thunder, accompanied by sudden downpours were in attendance this week. As the weekend approached temps were on the rise along with the humidity. Summer is in the house!!!!!!!
LIFE LINK LANDS: On Thursday, July 14th, Life Link emergency helicopter service made their first emergency landing in Clam Lake at our helipad off of Rescue Road. We are thankful that our community was able to provide the help needed with the transport of a person in critical condition and in need of immediate attention. According to all involved it went off without a hitch and we are grateful! This is a service one wishes would never be needed but thankful it is there when the call goes out. Special thanks go out to our “Clam Lake Team” that were on scene to help with this life saving process – Makala Reukema (first on scene/ambulance crew), Rich Reukema (opened gates), Tom Biasi (radio and fire department representation) and Jack McGregor (radio assistance). Thank you!!!!!!! As a community, we send our thoughts and prayers to the one in need of this service.
ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL: Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 6:00 pm at our historic “Chapel in the Woods”. Take a step back in time to a simpler era in our log cabin chapel built in 1948 from the forest that surrounds it. Come pray with us!
MEETING RECAP: On Thursday, July 14th, the Clam Lake Community Club held their monthly meeting with a group of 32 people in attendance. It was announced that Tom Dezotell will be stepping down from his position of sending cards, on behalf of the Community Club, in our Outreach program. We thank Tom for his years of service in this department. Alice Filter agreed to be our new Outreach person. We also thank her for volunteering to be of service to her community. After the meeting and a super delicious! Pot Luck we headed into some rounds of Clam Lake Style Bingo. As always, Ace did not disappoint. He was able to call the ever mysterious G-69 several times along with a nod to O-76. The big winners of the night were those at the White Bass Lake table. Sue Gunderson, a visitor to White Bass, took home two prizes as well as Michael, of that lake, winning the much coveted can of black beans. One game saw 5 players winning at the same time and all with the letter N! This will be entered in the Clam Lake Book of World’s Records. Chad Mess was the winner of the door prize with Alice Filter taking home the Fill Your Card prize. Congrats to all!
Minokemeg Camp, known to one and all as “The Girls Camp” on Buffalo Lake, ran in one form or another from 1947 thru 1972 – 25 years. Back in the day, during the summer months, the camp which consisted of over 15 buildings (they even had their own water tower), would have been a hive of activity. The girls that came to stay spent their entire summers “at camp” and were kept busy almost every waking minute. Most of their time centered around outdoor activities – swimming, tennis, sailing, camping, boating, archery and on and on. One of the main features of Minokemeg Camp was horse back riding. Families that wished their daughters to participate in this activity were charged extra. The girls were taught by very accomplished instructors whom taught “western” riding as opposed to English which was more popular at the time. There were two rings on the property – one large and one small – one on each side of the road going through the camp. They would put on a horse show for their parents around July 25th (Christmas in July). Something that was looked forward to by all. (As a side note: Pictures of Helen Wolf – proprietor of Minokemeg Camp- from her high school year book, show that she belonged to the Equestrian Club evidencing a life long love of horses. A love that she brought to the Camp. Normally, 8 horses were kept in a stables at the Camp.)
Until next week….
Pictured is a horse riding session at Minokemeg Camp, circa the late 60’s, showing the two rings on opposite sides of the road with the stables in the background.