Hello Clam Lake!
Spring seems to be finally in the house! Amen!!!! Still a few pesky snow banks hanging on down the forest roads but their days are numbered. We are definitely ready!!!! The humming birds are back as are many birds and aquatic life. Wonderful to see and hear all the wildlife that has returned.
Speaking of spring – remember the bears are up and about and busy trying to find food. Since much of their natural food isn’t available they have been raiding bird feeders and anything else they can get their paws on. Time to be extra careful with trash and feeders.
CAMPGROUND UPDATE REMINDER: The opening of National Forest Campgrounds has been postponed from it’s normal start date of May 1st to until as late as May 19th due to weather and safety concerns brought on by our long winter. Campers wishing to camp in early May are asked to be flexible and have alternate plans.
MEETING REMINDER: On May 20th at 9:00 am, the WFWA (West Fork Waterway Association) will be holding their annual Board of Directors meeting. In past years, the WFWA has met at the Clam Lake Community Center but, in lieu of its loss, another location has been chosen. For information as to where this meeting will be held you are enouraged to contact one of the directors. Their names and contact information can be found at www.clamlakewi.com under News and Events which lists the WFWA page. This meeting is public and anyone interested is encouraged to attend. The West Fork Waterway Association is an association of concerned people for the preservation and protection of the historic West Fork Waterway and wildlife area for recreation and public enjoyment of its scenic beauty today and in the future. The West Fork Waterway is on the west fork of the Chippewa River and includes the area from the Day Lake Dam to the Highway 77 Dam. It assists the Town of Gordon in funding expenses related to the maintenance of the Highway 77 Dam.
ST. GEORGE CLEAN-UP DAY: On Monday, May 22nd at 10:00 am, a “cleaning bee” will be held at St, George’s Chapel in Clam Lake. This is to ready our little chapel for the upcoming summer season beginning over the Memorial Day weekend. Anyone wishing to help is encouraged to attend. Any cleaning supplies brought would be appreciated! Thanks! Hope to see you there!
IN MEMORIAM – COW 418: It is with sadness that I report the death of Cow 418. In 2016, then elk biologist Laine Stowell, was called when it was discovered that an elk calf had fallen in an abandoned well after the covering had blown off. Laine and Mike Bulgrin, DNR wildlife technician, rescued the calf and fitted her with a tracking collar and tag, identifying it as Cow 418. Last week she was found by the shore of Upper Clam after having been deceased a few days. Elk biologist, Josh Spiegel,was alerted with him and his assistant coming out to remove the body and do a field necropsy. At that time, Josh says indications suggest to her having died from Corn Acidosis. Her rumen was full of corn with nothing passing through to her intestines or colon. Corn acidosis or corn toxicity, is caused from grain overload resulting in a condition that affects the category of animals (primarily cattle and deer family members) known as ruminants. Please keep in mind that feeding corn to elk and deer can kill the animal if proper forage transistion hasn’t occurred. Feeding of elk in Wisconsin is also illegal and feeding must stop for 30 days if elk are present. Unfortunately, she was pregnant with a well-developed bull elk calf. Cow 418 was just short of turning 7 when she met her untimely end.
Until next week…..
Pictured is a Cow 418 being rescued as a calf by Laine Stowell and Mike Bulgrin.