Hello Clam Lake!
Early this past week with snow squalls swirling around it seemed like winter was “in the house”. Then came the weekend! Ahhhh…..Fall was back! as temps soared towards 60+ degrees with sun. We all know winter is ready and waiting right around the corner but I, for one, am telling it “take your time – no rush….”
MEETING REMINDER: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 11th beginning at 5:00 pm. Time to come out and mingle with neighbors and friends and learn what is going on in the village. Come for the Pot Luck, stay for the fun!
MEAT RAFFLE REMINDER: The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be holding a meat raffle at Ransom’s Place Saturday November 13th from 3:00 to 5:00. This always promises to be a good time so come on out and support this worth while Club and win some delicious meat into the bargain.
GET WELL WISHES: Tom Dezotell wishes to express get well wishes to his sister, Mary Dezotell of Park Falls, whom is in hospital recovering from a variety of health issues. We wish her a speedy recovery!
SYMPAHTIES: Our sympathies go out to the Bruce and Virginia Jamieson family upon the loss of their daughter Rebecca. The Jamieson family took their annual summer vacations in Clam Lake when Rebecca was young creating in her a lifelong love of the woods. She will be missed! Rebecca was 47.
HISTORY MOMENT: At a November 1984 Clam Lake Community Club meeting it was noted that: “Project ELF was doing some remodeling and the community could acquire a generator free. More information would be coming later.” No more is mentioned on this subject in the old Club records so apparently the “deal” fell through.
AMERI CORPS RETURNS: Once again the US Forestry were glad to host members of AmeriCorps as they ventured north to help with various projects in the Chequamegon. These young people come from all different areas and walks of life to dedicate 10 months of their lives as AmeriCorps workers. While here in the northland, they stay at historic Forest Lodge in Cable, the former summer home of Mary Griggs Burke that was bequeathed to the Forest Service upon her death. When I caught up with them they were working over at Day Lake Campground cutting and putting trees through the wood chipper to clear up the campsites and campground roadways. While here, they also helped with a prescribed burn and cleared trails on the Rock Lake ski trail. This hadn’t been done in years, so was a welcome upgrade to the forest’s trail system. Upon completing their eight week stint in the northland they will return to their base in Venton, Iowa where they will add their group’s mural to the wall where each and every group adds their own personal image of their experience. On November 17th they will participate in a formal AmeriCorps graduation ceremony held at their base. We thank them for their service to our forest and the many improvements they have made to it and wish them well in their future lives.
Until next week….
Pictured are members of AmeriCorps working at Day Lake Campground – Tommy from Antigo, Wisconsin, Ray from New Jersey, Mya from Pennsylvania and Evan from Tennessee (whom was wishing for snow).
![AmeriCorps working at Day Lake Campground](https://clamlakewi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/AmeriCorps-2021-3-2.jpg)