Hello Clam Lake!
Well, it seemed like Fall was starting to settle in with cooler temps and the occasional splash of orange or red leaves in the forest. I even heard my heater kicking on one morning. But….then….just in time for the official end of summer, the Labor Day weekend, summer decided to give a last hurrah with very warm temperatures and humidity. Of course, once the holiday weekend is over we will be settling in for more seasonable temperatures. I’m sure all those out enjoying the last days of summer were happy for its return.
Speaking of Fall…..
THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN – ELK BUGLING SEASON – (Courtesy of the DNR) “Elk bugling is a special feature of the fall rut usually starting in late August running through late September in the Clam Lake area. As the big bull elk prepare to attract female cows, they let out bellows, which range from deep tones to high-pitched squeals to grunts. On Fall nights in the Chequamegon National Forest around Clam Lake, the distinctive sounds of the elk rutting can be heard. Listen to the remarkable, unforgettable sounds of native, free ranging bull elk bugling in a Northern Wisconsin wilderness. We invite you to join us in Clam Lake during the month of September and experience this unique event.” As those of us who live here know, it’s always wonderful to hear those early morning squeals booming through the forest as our forest neighbors remind us that they are looking for that special someone.
CONGRATULATIONS go out to Birch Haven Bible Camp on Lower Clam whom celebrated their 50th anniversary over the Labor Day weekend. They held an open house on Friday along with a celebration day on Saturday. We thank them for being a part of our community for the past 50 years and all that they have done to maintain the old resort and main lodge. They have provided countless religious retreats and gatherings over the years that were enjoyed by many. Congrats and thank you!
THANK YOU to the Clam Lakers that came and helped with shifts at the Glidden Area Historical Museum over the Labor Day weekend. My thanks go out to Bob Bailey, Ray Mathey, Jan Sharp and Patti Renzelmann. Thank you! It was appreciated!!!!
MARK THOSE CALENDARS – ELK FEST 2023 – From Travel Wisconsin: “The Clam Lake Elk Fest will be held Saturday, September 23rd running from 10:00 to 5:00. Vendors of all types will be in town featuring area talents, antiques and unique vendors. An Elk Education session will be held – habitat tours and much more! Time to enjoy a day in Clam Lake in honor of our “Herd”!
Until next week…..
Pictured is Birch Haven Bible Camp.