Clam Lake News & EventsCommunity Club Meetings & Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Bud Rubeck with 12 people attending. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The Minutes of the October 11th meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Old Business:

Outreach cards – no report.

Cemetery Crosses – Ace said he had talked with Andrea and that she had promised they would be done by Veterans Day, November 11th.

New Business:

Defibrillator – Bud pointed out that the defibrillator that is kept in the Post Office is getting old, so it is time to think about replacement. This will be added onto the cards that are sent with the Annual Letter so people can donate towards it if they wish to.
Jan Sharp asked if Great Divide could provide a defib training session at the Club. Bud will check into this.

Rental of Club:

Craig Rohlf will be using the Club on September 5th, 6th and 7th of 2019. Ace will advise him of the User Agreement and make sure he pays the correct price for usage.

Lynne reported that the book titled “Midwest Strange”, featuring a chapter on Clam Lake and Project ELF, has a release date of Fall 2019.

It was decided to have a Christmas Party/Pot Luck on Thursday December 13th. No meeting will be held that night. Signs will be put up in the Junction and the Post Office. It will go in the paper as well.

History – Lynne gave a report on Minokemeg Camp which ran from 1947 until 1972. This was the Girls Camp on Buffalo Lake.

Meeting adjourned. Jan Sharp won the door prize. No Bingo was played.

Respectfully submitted by: Lynne Rice, Secretary of the CLCC Inc.