Hello Clam Lake!
Although we seem to have gone a week without too much new snow accumulation we did have days of very cold temperatures as January made it’s exit and February arrived. Monday and Friday seemed to want to bookend this cold snap with both days having highs of below zero or single digits. Time for a warm up! Word on the street (Clam Lake only has one!) is that there may be one on the way. Good news!
REMINDER: On Saturday, February 11th the Clam Lake Forest Riders will be holding a meat raffle at Ransoms Place running from 3:00 to 5:00. Time to come out and support this hard working club whom are responsible for keeping the snowmobile trails cleared and groomed. A BIG job – especially this year with our heavy snowfalls and erratic weather events. We wish to thank them for all they do to keep our forest economy flowing during this busiest of seasons! (Remember all meats come from Rondeaus of Cable. Yum!)
ON THAT NOTE: You can now donate to the Forest Riders Snowmobile Club easily and efficiently at the Clam Lake Junction. If making a purchase you may be asked if you would care to donate a dollar to the club. All the cashier has to do is hit the donation button on the till and your donation will be kept track of. Of course, it’s not necessary to make a purchase to donate. You can simply say you would like to donate towards the club and it will be registered. Thanks to all that choose to donate towards this worthwhile club!
SNOWMOBILES EVERYWHERE! Lyn Hartl reported that he had 62 sleds at the Clam Lake Junction Saturday – all at one time! He said he had to go out and play “traffic cop” to keep the pumps in rotation. Sure has been a super year for the businesses! Great news!
COURTESY: And to all those snowmobile enthusiasts out there – remember, with all of the wonderful trails to use at your disposal, please be courteous and refrain from going down people’s private drives. We thank you for that!
SNOW REMOVAL WARNING: This past week saw the collapse of a pole building due to our winter’s heavy snowfalls. This occurred at the Junction of Highway 77 and M on property once owned by Greg and Mary Schier. Mr. Hartl, whom owns the property now, was kind enough to post the event on Facebook to serve as a warning to all of the dangers of letting heavy snow accumulate on rooftops. We thank him for sharing! (Remember pole buildings are especially vulnerable.)
Until next week….
Pictured is the collapsed pole building.