Community Club Meetings & Minutes

October 13th 2022

Meeting called to order by Vice President Ace Griffaw with 11 people attending. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The Minutes of the September 8th meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Old Business:

Outreach: Alice Filter reported that she had sent one card over the past month.

Handicap Toilets : It was noted that the new handicap toilets for the restrooms have been ordered.

Club Sign Roof: This project is on hold for the moment.

New Business:

Lynne reported that a plaque has been ordered for the Memorial Board at the Park for Lawrence and Evelyn Swanson. Lawrence was a member of the Single Six Hunting Camp.

Port-a-Potty – Ace questioned why the Club paid for the Port-a-Potties that were used at the Elk Fest which took place at the Junction and downtown area.

Rick Filter was the winner of the door prize with Cheri Cornell winning the Fill Your Card Bingo Prize.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Lynne Rice
Secretary of the CLCC Inc.