Clam Lake News & Events

Good Sunday Evening Readers..

It’s hard to believe it’s the 14th of October and today the high was 36 degrees on the south side of Lower Clam Lake and it was snowing so hard I couldn’t see across the lake.. There was only patchy snow left on the ground but, the trees were beautifully flocked. It was a pretty postcard out there. Don’t fret it will not stick around as on Thursday it is suppose to be mid 50’s..Fall will return.

The last Clam Lake Community Potluck was last Thursday (10-11) I hear that Dizzy was the big winner at “Big-Bucks Bingo” as he won 4+ games..Congrats Dizzy!! (I hope you hid your lucky card”!!

Congrats to my grandson Noah Hulstrom on his marriage to Sonya Rodriguez last Friday (10/12)..It’s hard to believe that the little boy who used to live here in Clam Lake and went to school in Glidden and Mellen is now a proud husband. I’m glad we went to Kentucky for the wedding and we are very happy to welcome Sonya to our family.

As the days slip away the daylight hours are dwindling..So, get out there and enjoy the sunshine when it’s a beautiful day..Until next time..Be Happy, Grateful and Kind!!