Save The Date: WI RMEF Bugle Days Rendezvous, Sept 8-10, 2017
SAVE THE DATE: Wisconsin RMEF Bugle Days Rendezvous, Sept. 8-10, 2017. Stay tuned for more…
SAVE THE DATE: Wisconsin RMEF Bugle Days Rendezvous, Sept. 8-10, 2017. Stay tuned for more…
As this Sunday evening sun shines there are a few dark clouds off to the west.
Wow! What a weekend we had with that heat and storms and let’s not forget the 4 hour power outage on the hottest day so far…
June 8, 2017 Regular Meeting & Potluck Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod…
It was a very beautiful day today 83 degrees but, there was a nice breeze so it didn’t feel that hot.
We are happy to announce that this year’s recipient of the Clam Lake Community Scholarship is Ashley Pankratz.
As Mother’s Day winds down this Sunday evening we couldn’t of asked for a better day…
As Mother’s Day winds down this Sunday evening we couldn’t of asked for a better day…
May 11, 2017 Regular Meeting & Potluck Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod…
As we celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 14th we are all scrambling to try to find that perfect thing for our Mom’s…