Clam Lake Elk Herd Update December 2016
December 2016 Clam Lake Elk Herd Update
It’s snowing a little bit, it has been on and off all day..maybe we’ll get a few inches in this week’s storm, we haven’t had any real snow in awhile.. if it covers up all this ice I’ll be happy…
It’s pretty foggy this Monday morning and the mercury will top out at 38 today..This has sure been a strange January weather wise. And now for the results from the Elk Country ATV Ice Fishing Contest.
This past week we were treated to all kinds of weather, we saw 26 degrees below zero and now today it’s 24 degrees.. It seems that Ol’ Man Winter can’t make up his mind. We will take the 24 degrees everyday until Spring…
January 12, 2017 Regular Meeting & Potluck Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod…
Brrrr…This past week we saw a lot of below zero weather.. and by the end of this week it is suppose to return. This is typical January weather they say but, that does not mean we should dislike it any less…
Christmas Party December 8, 2016 In the spirit of the holiday season the regular…
Learn more about Clam Lake’s lumber era railroad!
Happy 2017! The January Potluck Dinner/meeting will be held on Thursday, January 12, at…
Happy 2017! I hope everyone had a great New Year and a safe one also. New Year’s is a time of reflection on the year we just left behind.