March 10, 2016 Regular Meeting & Potluck
Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod at 5:03 pm with the pledge of…
Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod at 5:03 pm with the pledge of…
The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest’s snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle (ATV), utility-terrain vehicle (UTV), horse and bicycle trails are now closed and will remain closed until further notice.
The Ashland County snowmobile trails are now CLOSED for the season!
The Ashland County snowmobile trails are partially open but in POOR condition.
Good Sunday Afternoon Readers!
What a beautiful afternoon it is, the mercury on my thermometer is settled at a balmy 46 degrees! I even have my window open, for that burst of Spring air…….
The Ashland County snowmobile trails are OPEN, groomed and in fair condition.
Grooming operations continue with groomers reporting that the trails are in fair shape. The snow cover in some areas is thin, but all trails are still rideable.
The Ashland County snowmobile trails are OPEN, groomed and in fair condition.
The next Clam Lake Potluck Dinner/meeting will be held on Thursday, March 10th at…
It’s Sunday afternoon and there’s a very cold wind out there and they are predicting one to three inches of snow today. What happened to the 50 degree we had yesterday?
The Ashland County snowmobile trails are OPEN, groomed and in good condition.