Historic Dam Photos
Historic Dam Photos Return to WFWA page
On the 11th of June 2015, a Memorial Stone was unveiled on the Clam Lake Community Club grounds in remembrance of Howard and Hazel Scotford.
Howard and Hazel owned and operated Camp Fire Island Resort, located on Upper Clam Lake, from 1912 to 1936.
What a beautiful day in our Northwood’s, today this Sunday afternoon it was spectacular! The lake looked like a mirror with a perfect reflection of the trees along the shoreline. Days like this are great days for laying in the hammock with a great book or throwing a line in the water to see what bites.
4th of July Fireworks Show – Sat. July 4, 2015
Gather at the Clam Lake Community Club around dusk and enjoy the fireworks over Upper Clam Lake! Please help support the effort by making a donation. Fireworks donation cans are located in local businesses.
June 11, 2015
Regular Meeting & Potluck
Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer at 5:26 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bud Rubeck, Ace & Joan Griffaw, Bill MacLeod, Andrea Krygoski, Lynne Rice, John Novitzke, Pat Dudley, Bob & Karen Schmidt, Jerry & Lea Justice, Tom & Ann Marie Stuebe, Len & Joy Heinlein, Cheryl Cofrin, Carol Plotkowski, John Francois, Dan Allen, Kathy Erickson, Tom Dezotell.
As you drive into Clam Lake you see a small, picturesque Park situated on the tip of the land Island that sits between Clam Lake Road and Highway 77. As with most things in Clam Lake, it has a long convoluted history. Here’s it’s story:
Good Rainy Sunday Reader’s!
This light rain will help green up the forest a little more and help the flowers bloom. but, it will also bring on the mosquitos. I really hope not! Let’s hope for a healthy population of bats this year as they can eat thousands of mosquitos a night…..
This Thursday is the monthly Potluck Dinner/meeting. Meeting is at 5pm, dinner will promptly follow meeting. So, bake up at tasty treat and come join your friends and neighbors for a fun filled evening…….