June 11, 2015 – CLCC Regular Meeting & Potluck

June 11, 2015
Regular Meeting & Potluck

Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer at 5:26 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bud Rubeck, Ace & Joan Griffaw, Bill MacLeod, Andrea Krygoski, Lynne Rice, John Novitzke, Pat Dudley, Bob & Karen Schmidt, Jerry & Lea Justice, Tom & Ann Marie Stuebe, Len & Joy Heinlein, Cheryl Cofrin, Carol Plotkowski, John Francois, Dan Allen, Kathy Erickson, Tom Dezotell.

Next Potluck Dinner/Meeting – News 6/7/15

Good Rainy Sunday Reader’s!

This light rain will help green up the forest a little more and help the flowers bloom. but, it will also bring on the mosquitos. I really hope not! Let’s hope for a healthy population of bats this year as they can eat thousands of mosquitos a night…..
This Thursday is the monthly Potluck Dinner/meeting. Meeting is at 5pm, dinner will promptly follow meeting. So, bake up at tasty treat and come join your friends and neighbors for a fun filled evening…….

Happy Summer – News 5/20/15

Happy Summer!!

If you’ve been any where this past week you’ll notice the increase in traffic and people. Everyone has taken the kick-off to summer with a lot of activity! There was a lot more people on Lower Clam Lake this past weekend than I’ve seen all year and I the sounds of music coming from Birch Haven Bible Camp was a nice sound to here after the long winter and then there is the cars parked in the Chapel’s yard for the 6pm mass is always a welcome return….. But not as welcome as the smiling faces of these friends Tom and Linda Glafcke, Bob and Karen Schmidt, Pete and Debbie Heineitz and Jack and Barb Cook who all are all spending time getting their summer homes ready for summer!

May 14, 2015 – CLCC Regular Meeting & Potluck

May 14, 2015

Regular Meeting & Potluck

Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer at 5:14 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Carl & Jean Kubley, Bud & Julie Rubeck, Pat Dudley, Bill MacLeod, Lynne Rice, Jerry & Lea Justice, Karen & Bob Schmidt, Bob & Cindy Buryanek, Ace & Joan Griffaw, Len & Joy Heinlein, Cheryl Cofrin and Carol Plotkowski. Bob Bailey visited during bingo.