Clam Lake Rummage Sale – July 17, 2015
Beth Francois is organizing a rummage sale at the clubhouse for the 17th of…
Beth Francois is organizing a rummage sale at the clubhouse for the 17th of…
Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer at 5:14 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bill MacLeod, Ace & Joan Griffaw, Patricia Dudley, Jean & Carl Kubley, Len & Joy Heinlein, Cherly Cofrin, Carol Plotkowski, Cindy Buryanek, John & Beth Francois, John Cannon & Rahda Paramaysuri, Dan Allen, Kathy Erickson.
Good afternoon Readers!
It’s a beautiful Sunday, perfect for the Father’s Day Picnic and a belated Father’s Day to all the people who have cared for their children, man or woman….
The next big event in our Northwood’s is 4th of July. The Clam Lake Fireworks will be on Saturday, July 4th at Dusk! Please bring a blanket or a chair and some bug dope. Even though the yard will have been sprayed there might be a few bugs there. Also, the donation cans are all over town so, please be generous. Your donation helps defray the cost of the fireworks…..
On the 11th of June 2015, a Memorial Stone was unveiled on the Clam Lake Community Club grounds in remembrance of Howard and Hazel Scotford.
Howard and Hazel owned and operated Camp Fire Island Resort, located on Upper Clam Lake, from 1912 to 1936.
What a beautiful day in our Northwood’s, today this Sunday afternoon it was spectacular! The lake looked like a mirror with a perfect reflection of the trees along the shoreline. Days like this are great days for laying in the hammock with a great book or throwing a line in the water to see what bites.