Day of Remembrance at the Clam Lake Cemetery
Saturday, December 1st, was a day spent in remembrance at the Clam Lake Cemetery
DetailsSaturday, December 1st, was a day spent in remembrance at the Clam Lake Cemetery
DetailsHistoric chapel in the pines closes By Peg Zaemisch Price County Review, July 3,…
DetailsDay Lake 50 Years Ago By…..Lynne Rice On April 13th, 1968 the groundbreaking ceremony…
DetailsThe Bayfield Electric Cooperative magazine has an article about power coming into Clam Lake.
DetailsView video that aired on KBJR 6 this week about Clam Lake’s history…
DetailsWatch KBJR 6 in Duluth between Christmas and New Year’s for a story on Clam Lake!
DetailsWith the passing of our Guard Station I wanted to write about a memorable…
DetailsCamp Fire Island 1925 By…..Lynne Rice Once again I return to my favorite subject…..…