Elk Country ATV Club – Monthly Meeting on Saturday, November 14
Elk Country ATV Club monthly meeting on Saturday, November 14 at 1pm at Deb’s Y-Go-By
Elk Country ATV Club monthly meeting on Saturday, November 14 at 1pm at Deb’s Y-Go-By
I’m writing this article Sunday evening at 5:30pm and totally dark! On the bright side it was 52 degrees today!! I talked to my friend Geri in Forest Lakes, Arizona and they got 6-8 inches of snow last week. Why is this relevant? It seems our weather and the weather up on the rim are a lot alike. So, 52 degrees is fantastic for a November day…..
Help support the club and its trail maintenance and grooming efforts. All proceeds from the meat raffles go towards our groomer, groomer shed and maintenance on trail 9A (Jack Dudley Memorial Trail).
No Ghosts, Goblins, Ghouls or bumps in the night could be seen or heard in Clam Lake last night. I miss the days of my children, the Eder children and the Cornell and Rice’s little ones going from house to house by car even in the snow making their rounds on Halloween.
Today is Monday the 26th of October, Next week we begin November on Sunday. The weather-people are talking a wintery mix on Wednesday, you all know that mix will not accumulate into anything but, let’s face it snow is right around the corner…..Did you get all your lawn ornaments put away? Every year there are a few casualties of winter and if they are your favorites it’s your loss…..
It’s Monday October 18, where did the month go? Pretty soon we’ll be talking about that dirty four letter word, that’s coming soon! Not today, it’s going to be 64 degrees! Whoopee!
Snowmobile Trail Pass
2014 Wisconsin Act 142, effective July 1, 2015, expanded the snowmobile trail pass requirement to include snowmobiles registered in Wisconsin and increased the nonresident snowmobile trail pass fee. Beginning with the 2015-16 snow season, all snowmobiles operating on a Wisconsin snowmobile trail or corridor must display a valid snowmobile trail pass whether registered in Wisconsin or another state.
Happy Monday!
As we start this week that marks mid October we are enjoying some nice days, yesterday the mercury settled at 79 degrees in Hayward. We did not get that warm as the mercury at my house was 73 degrees! Anyway it was a beautiful day. I hope you all enjoyed it…..
Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer at 5:32 pm with the pledge…
This Thursday, 10/8, will be the Clam Lake Community Club’s Potluck Dinner/meeting. This meeting…