William Macleod Obituary
William R. MacLeod, age 78, of Clam Lake, passed away Thursday, December 14, 2017…
William R. MacLeod, age 78, of Clam Lake, passed away Thursday, December 14, 2017…
And the winners of the Elk Country ATV Club’s 10th Annual Ice Fishing Contest are…
The Elk Country ATV Club will it’s 10th Annual Ice Fishing Contest on Saturday, January 20th from 8am to 3pm…
Happy New Year! As we welcome in 2018 this chilly -18…
The Bayfield Electric Cooperative magazine has an article about power coming into Clam Lake.
Happy New Year! As we welcome in 2018 this chilly -18…
View video that aired on KBJR 6 this week about Clam Lake’s history…
It is -17 degrees on the South side of Lower Clam Lake at 6:15…
Watch KBJR 6 in Duluth between Christmas and New Year’s for a story on Clam Lake!
Today being the 17th of December the countdown to Santa’s arrival has gotten much…