News – 10/09/16
We start out on a sad note this week as we all learn of the passing of Don Eder. Our Sincerest Sympathies to his wife Jane and his children Brian, LeAnn, Laurie, Jill, Jackie, Tammy, Tommy and Joel.
We start out on a sad note this week as we all learn of the passing of Don Eder. Our Sincerest Sympathies to his wife Jane and his children Brian, LeAnn, Laurie, Jill, Jackie, Tammy, Tommy and Joel.
Our Wisconsin October/November 2016 Issue “Now Herd In Wisconsin” By Keith Crowley, Hudson, Wisconsin…
Good Morning Readers!
It’s 6:30 am and a little chilly on Lower Clam Lake, The mercury is settled in at 41 degrees. I guess Fall is defiantly here.
The next Clam Lake Community Potluck Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 14th…
Awe, Fall is here! The roadside are all brown, the leaves are turning “quickly”, the leaves are falling and the Elk are bugling! Awe, Fall is here!
Happy Sunday! What a beautiful day it is!! The sun is shining and it reached 75 degrees! What a good day to do outside chores
by Terrell Boettcher, Sawyer County Record The Department of Natural Resources plans to bring…
Elk Country ATV Club’s 9th Annual Ice Fishing Contest is set for January 21, 2017 on Upper Clam Lake starting at 8:00 am to 3:00pm.
It’s Sunday, September 11th today, fifteen years since 9/11. As we watched tv this morning there was a moving tribute to all that have lost their lives that day and the fifteen year war to follow.
September 8, 2016 Regular Meeting & Potluck Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod…