Clam Lake Fireworks Show – July 3, 2016
Clam Lake, Wisconsin Independence Day Fireworks Scheduled for July 3, 2016
Clam Lake, Wisconsin Independence Day Fireworks Scheduled for July 3, 2016
June 9, 2016 Regular Meeting & Potluck Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod…
The next Clam Lake Community Potluck Dinner/meeting will be held this Thursday, May 12 at 5pm.
It’s Sunday evening and what a beautiful day it is! The mercury on my thermometer is stuck on 66 degrees and we’ve had a few raindrops but, not much just enough to make the deck wet and then it stopped.
Good Monday Evening Readers!
It’s been a cool and breezy day and rainy. Even though we are complaining the area wildflowers and gardens are loving it. I’ve never seen so many different kinds of flowers along the road or in my flowerbed.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Day. In Clam Lake there was a service at noon, they threw a wreath in the river and then marched to the cemetery where they said a prayer and the 21 gun salute.
The next Clam Lake Community Potluck Dinner/meeting will be held this Thursday, May 12 at 5pm.
It’s early Monday afternoon or late morning and it sure is a gorgeous day out there. The mercury is settled in at 79 degrees and there’s a nice breeze coming off the lake…
May 12, 2016 Regular Meeting & Potluck Meeting called to order by Bud Rubeck…
It started out a little cool this morning, 30 degrees here on Lower Clam and then the sun came out. Yippie!